Ulaş Güvenç

  • 0533 678 28 76
  • iletisim@uzmdrulasguvenc.com

What is Me?

Flat or raised structures that form on people’s bodies and whose cause is unknown are called “moles”. Moles, which can be seen in almost every person, may appear in the first 20 years of a person’s development. Moles that occur in cases such as birthmarks or vascular dilatations should be subjected to a different examination.

In some cases, moles can reach levels that can cause discomfort to people. Moles that occur especially on the face, décolleté and hair area are the ones that cause most discomfort to people. In these cases, ‘I’ can be taken. This operation, which can be performed for purely aesthetic reasons, makes people feel better psychologically. It affects their social life positively.

What should be done to remove a mole?

In mole removal treatments, the procedure must be performed by a specialist, experienced and successful physician in order to ensure that the mole does not leave a trace behind and does not cause damage to the skin. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection.

Moles occur due to different reasons. Genetic predisposition, sunlight etc. Irritating the mole along with excessive amounts of sunlight can also cause growths. Shaving the surface of the mole with a razor may cause the mole to grow larger. Medical aesthetics, laser and plastic surgery methods should be used to remove the masses.

What is Laser Mole Removal Treatment?

Moles are formed by the clustering of melonoacids in some areas on the skin. Melonoacids are the source of melanin, which gives color to the skin, and it is difficult for moles to dissolve and be erased on their own without treatment. Harmless and benign moles that are only aesthetically disturbing and have formed on any part of the face or body (cheek, nose, lip, ear, neck, hand, back, genital area, foot, etc.) can be treated with CO2 Fractional Laser or Plasma Energy ( It can be destroyed instantly with the plexr) method, without stitches and bleeding.

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Laser mole removal treatment allows the mole to be evaporated and removed from the tissue under office conditions with a special laser method without the need for surgery. Especially the number of people who want to get rid of moles above and below their eyes is quite high, and fat buttons can also be cleaned with laser. After the procedure, the moles may become closer or equal to the skin color to a different degree in each mole. This; The reason for the formation of moles is related to their depth and skin color. Although it varies from person to person depending on the condition of the tissue, a slight crusting occurs in an average of 7-10 days, and then the crust falls off on its own.