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What is Needle Epilation?

We are here to save you with 100% solutions to hair and hair problems with needle epilation. As the hormonal balance changes after puberty, there are developments in the body such as breast growth in women and height increase in men, as well as some changes in the hair on the body, regardless of gender. After puberty, the hairs that were once almost invisible on the body start to look like camels, instead of fleas. Whatever he did, waxing or shaving, the hair cycle never ends. So let us give you some good news. From now on, we minimize your seemingly giant hair-like problems with maximum solutions. How Does? Of course, we have a few solution methods. However, we decided to first compare your methods with needle epilation, which is a type of epilation.

The application technique of needle epilation is a method that needs to be studied meticulously. It is the process of removing hairs that laser devices cannot see by sending low-current electrical impulses to the hair follicle with the help of a thin sterile needle. Thanks to this process, the hair follicles that grow regularly every month are destroyed and give the opportunity to get rid of them forever. It allows you to get rid of hair in a short time, especially in the facial area that requires long-term epilation. The session periods of the procedure are determined according to the hair growth period, structure, color, density and skin color of the hair. After the procedure performed with personalized soft needle tips, swelling or redness may appear on the skin. It is normal for these rashes to occur.

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How is Needle Epilation Done?
Before the needle epilation procedure, it is determined whether the hair is suitable or not.
The area to be applied must be clean.
Each patient must have a needle tip specially opened for him/her.
In this method, a weak electrical current is applied by entering the hair follicle with a thin and soft needle.
Before removing the needle, the current is stopped. If the hair follicle is damaged, the hair comes out easily.
Thus, a permanent solution is provided by destroying the hair follicles.
Slight blisters or redness may appear on the skin.
Redness, blistering, and sometimes small crusting are observed in the application area, lasting for 1-2 days.